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The ANNUAL FUND DRIVE is our school’s primary fundraiser and is key to enhancements and development that make a Montessori experience so extraordinary. The AFD also provides our families and friends with an easy and fully tax-deductible way to support the school.

Gifts of all shapes and sizes are welcome and needed, and each of them helps to show the strength of our school community!

Thank You!

Our Goals


100% Family Participation


THE 2023 

Shade Trees & Landscaping
for the South Campus

Feasibility Study for Parking Lot
Across from the Main Campus

New Slides & Structures
for Playgrounds

1. Why does The Montessori School for Shreveport have an Annual Fund Drive?

Gifts to the Annual Fund Drive take over where tuition ends and provide an important added value to an MSS education. These funds directly support the children, the teachers, and the school, and enhance our academic environments. They also provide our families and friends with a fully tax-deductible way to support the school. As the primary fundraising vehicle, MSS looks to each family to contribute directly to the Annual Fund Drive to the best of their ability. 

Many schools depend on fundraisers where a significant amount of your contribution goes to a fundraising company. At Montessori, we structure our Annual Fund Drive to maximize your valuable contribution for the children.


2. Why not just raise the cost of tuition to cover the gap?

If we were to increase the cost of tuition, we would limit the number of families who might benefit from an exceptional Montessori education.  Through annual giving, we are able to keep tuition more affordable, thus attracting a wider range of students. In this way, each student is subsidized by the philanthropic support of the larger community. Additionally, contributions to the Annual Fund Drive are tax-deductible, while tuition is not.

3. Are my Annual Fund contributions tax-deductible?

Yes, your donations to the Annual Fund Drive are tax-deductible. The Montessori School for Shreveport is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, tax ID number 72-0594556.

4. How much should I give?

Give as you are able - no amount is too small! Each family is asked to give according to their own financial ability - which we know can mean different things for different families. Our main goal is 100% participation!

5. I'm not currently able to give. What are my options?

A pledge made now, payable by June 1, 2024, will still help us meet our goals! Go here to make your pledge.

6. I’m ready to make my Annual Fund Drive donation! How can I contribute?
Here are your options!

See Updates @montessorishreveport


View/Download the 2023 Annual Fund Drive Brochure


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